PD Goal 1: Become more involved in leadership and or create leadership development
Action Steps:
Become a part of any leadership programs, trainings, or development workshops at the institution I work.
If there are none – research other institutions and the leadership programs they offer on-campus and begin to create my own.
Research at least five leadership-related articles each month.
Begin listening to at least one leadership podcast.
Attend at least one leadership conference a year.
Competency Area: Leadership (LEAD); Student Learning and Development (SLD)
PD Goal 2: Learn a new functional area – Academic Advising
Action Steps:
Research job postings within academic advising and apply for positions.
Begin listening to NACADA (The Global Community for Academic Advising) Adventures in Advising Podcast.
Reach out to current academic advisors to learn about their experiences in the field and conduct informational interviews.
Competency Area: Advising and Supporting (A/S); Technology (TECH); Leadership (LEAD);
PD Goal 3: Become more familiar and stay up to date on current trends happening nationally and locally
within Higher Education.
Action Steps:
Attend at least one conference a year in person or virtually.
Begin listening to a Higher Education podcast.
Stay connected in the Higher Education Facebook groups.
Build time into my schedule every week to read at least five articles relating to Higher Education (i.e., InsideHigherEd).
Competency Area: Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF); Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH); Technology (TECH); Leadership (LEAD); Student Learning and Development (SLD)
PD Goal 4: Improve and gain new networking skills.
Action Steps:
Upon graduation join the Alumni Association at SUNY Buffalo State to hold a continuous connection with not only the institution but also the faculty and staff I worked with.
Introduce myself to at least one faculty, staff, or administrator each week at the institution I will be working to build communications and connections.
Attend at least one conference a year and make connections with those in attendance.
Collaborate with other offices on campus to building working relationships with others.
Competency Area: Leadership (LEAD); Organization and Human Resources (OHR)
PD Goal 5: Create a work-life balance and develop a self-care routine.
Action Steps:
Utilize a daily planner that lists all of my obligations and work tasks.
Develop a daily routine that includes built-in time for self-care (i.e., using a bullet journal every night to reflect after each day).
In any position I hold, block out lunch for each day on my calendar to ensure I am taking a break away from work to eat lunch.
Silence email notifications once each workday ends and not check my email on the weekend to provide myself personal time when not at work.
Competency Area: Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF)