Values, Philosophy, and History
The Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH) competency involves knowledge, skills, and dispositions that connect the history, philosophy, and values of the student affairs profession to one's current professional practice. The VPH competency embodies the foundations of the profession from which current and future research, scholarship, and practice will change and grow (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). This competency is one that can constantly evolve and find new information to help benefit those in higher education. In order to demonstrate this competency area, an individual must acquire a deeper understanding of the profession's history, philosophy, and values.
I resonate with the foundational level for this competency. There are a few outcomes that stood out to me such as demonstrating responsible campus citizenship and participation in the campus community and learn and articulate the principles of professional practice. Additionally, the other two that stood out to me explain the role and responsibilities of student affairs professional associations and be able to model the principles of the profession and expect the same from colleagues and supervisees. For VPH the progression from foundational to advanced level proficiency for the competency area largely involves movement from basic understanding of VPH to a more critical understanding as applied in practice and then to the use and critical application of VPH (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).
The positions I hold as a Graduate Assistant at Niagara County Community College allows me to practice the skills to achieve these outcomes in my everyday work setting. I am constantly making sure that I put myself out there to show I am open and available for anything students, faculty or staff may need within the campus community. In doing so, I have to make sure I am learning and articulating the principles of professional practice when working with the campus community. Examples of this may encounter learning new information about other clubs and organizations, more specifically if I am working with a religious club, I want to make sure I am open to learning about the group’s values and beliefs, they may practice. By learning more about them it will strengthen the connection we have and make for better communication and collaborations in the future.
Throughout my graduate assistantship this semester we have had issues with students not being professional in our office and meeting settings. As a club advisor and a staff member in our Student Life office, it is my responsibility to make sure students are being respectful, professional, and following the rules of our offices. Through my position, it is my job to be able to model the principles of the profession and expect the same from not only colleagues but also the students. Our office believes in being available to students when they are struggling with any issue, being inclusive and promoting diversity, and showing the campus community how being involved on campus can open up so many doors for students. At times modeling our values and philosophies can be challenging, however, it is a task that we are presented with every day and it might not always look the same, but we are forever learning how to change and grow in this competency.
Although I have not taken the American Higher Education course yet, I do believe it is a course that will go hand in hand with this competency. Through previous courses I do have some knowledge on the history of higher education, however, I am very eager to take the American Higher Education course. As I am still fairly new to this profession, I believe that over time and through practice I will be able to take achieve all the foundational level outcomes and branch out to achieving the intermediate and advanced levels.
American College Personnel Association and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. (2015, August). Professional competency areas for student affairs educators. Retrieved from s_FINAL.pdf
HEA 616: History of Community Colleges. This assignment allowed me to learn about the history of community colleges and the policies involved in developing an institution.
HEA 625: Writing my professional praxis allowed me to reflect on my personal values and beliefs within higher education.