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Advising and Supporting

        The Advising and Supporting competency addresses the knowledge, skills, and disposition related to providing advising, and support to individuals and groups through direction, feedback, critique, referral, and guidance. Through developing advising and supporting strategies that take into account self-knowledge and the needs of others, we play critical roles in advancing the holistic wellness of ourselves, our students, and our colleagues (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). The advising and supporting competency is broken down into five dimensions of development that include, interpersonal skills, professional development, group dynamics, partnering with others, and conflict and crisis situations (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). In order to advance in this competency, it is crucial for someone to understand student development and mental health and how it all factors into advising and supporting students.


        I would assess myself in both the foundational and intermediate levels of the advising and supporting competency. Throughout my coursework in both Techniques of Counseling and Counseling of Diverse Cultures I have learned ways to work with students and put the techniques I learned into practice. These courses helped me understand how to work with students of different backgrounds, recognize different verbal and non-verbal cues, and facilitate problem solving. I have been able to achieve the foundational goal of establishing rapport with students, and others that acknowledges differences in lived experiences, throughout my assistantship. In my assistantship I have learned ways to make sure students are heard and ways to work with each individual student no matter their background and past experiences. It has opened my eyes and helped me understand that not every student comes from the same place and has experienced the same situations. It has allowed me to learn different techniques and use my skills I learned from both counseling courses to put them into practice.


        I have also achieved the intermediate skill of facilitating group decision-making, goal-setting, and process. Throughout my assistantship I have worked with different student organizations resources to train them on how to find resources they would need for themselves or for helping other students. During these trainings we also see where each organization stands and how they want to improve, the goals they want to achieve, and the steps they can take to get there. It has been both challenging and rewarding, as it may be difficult to figure out the step by step, but watching the students achieve their goals is the best part of this field.


        In my future career, I hope to become advanced in this competency area by putting my skills and knowledge into practice to help all the students I work with directly. I will continue to learn new ways to support students in all aspects of their experiences and find the appropriate resources to not only continue to educate myself but provide to students to help them in any way I can.




American College Personnel Association and National Association of Student Personnel

Administrators. (2015, August). Professional competency areas for student affairs educators.


Techniques of Counseling has allowed me to practice and develop skills that are important in communicating with all students, faculty, staff and administration. I have learned counseling skills that will allow me to help those I am in contact with throughout all the posititions I hold.

Counseling for Diverse Cultures has introduced me to many different cultures and helped me understand different aspects of cultures I never knew before. I have learned skills that allow me to effectively communicate and actively listen to any students, faculty, staff or administration I may work with.

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