Personal and Ethical Foundations
The Personal and Ethical Foundation (PEF) competency is defined as involving the knowledge, skills, and disposition to develop and maintain integrity in one’s life and work; this includes thoughtful development, critique, and adherence to a holistic and comprehensive standard of ethics and commitment to one’s own wellness and growth (ACPA & NASPA, 2015). This competency focuses on an individual’s values and beliefs through their personal experiences and growth. An individual’s personal and ethical foundations grow through a process of curiosity, reflection, and self-authorship (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).
For PEF the foundational outcomes emphasize awareness and understanding of one’s own values and beliefs, more specifically around professional codes of ethics and principles for personal wellness. The advanced level involves a higher order of critique and self-awareness, applications to healthy living and professional practice, and modeling, mentoring and facilitating the same among others (ACPA & NASPA, 2015).
When reviewing the different outcomes each proficiency level entails, I self-assess within the foundational level. My experiences in my career so far have led me to achieving the foundational outcomes however, I do feel as though I have some skill sets that I can identify with in the intermediate level. More specifically I resonate well with the foundational outcomes that are, articulating key elements of one’s set of personal beliefs and commitments, utilizing institutional and professional resources to assist with ethical issues and taking responsibility to broaden perspectives by participating in activities that challenge one’s beliefs. I believe these three foundational outcomes intersect in determining my own values and beliefs. I am then able to broaden my viewpoint which will allow me to more specifically see what I know and how to identify different ethical issues among my professional and personal experiences. The other foundational outcomes I identify with are identifying work responsibilities, being able to determine my strengths and limitations, recognizing and articulating healthy habits for better living, and identify positive and negative impacts on wellness. Additionally other outcomes I identify with are seeking assistance from available resources, and to recognize reflection in personal, professional and ethical development. These outcomes resonate with me in that I am constantly assessing myself in what works best for me and where I need improvement. I am continuously finding new ways that work for me to prioritize, and develop new ways to achieve success in my daily life as well as my professional life.
As a Graduate Assistant at Niagara County Community College in the Student Life office, the main aspects of my position are serving as the advisor to the Campus Activities Board, serving as a member of the Student Government Association, and helping advise clubs and organizations. I am conversing and engaging with students daily, whether it is one on one sessions, assigning tasks or working side by side. During these times it has allowed me to see other people work, what they may believe in and how they assess themselves in their personal and professional life. This assistantship has allowed me to practice many foundational outcomes by allowing me to ensure that I am meeting my own expectations, reflecting on situations that are positive and negative and mentoring students to help them when they are struggling. During these mentoring sessions there are times that difficult topics and situations come up into conversation but by broadening my perspectives into different topics, situations, and challenges has allowed me to achieve more of the foundational outcome goals.
Despite the fact that I am just beginning in this profession I feel as though I have a valuable amount of skill sets that allow me to practice the Personal and Ethical Foundations competency daily. As I am still learning I believe that with practice, self-reflection in my personal and professional life I will be able to achieve many of the advance proficiency level outcomes.
After further self reflection in this competency I believe that I have progressed more into the intermediate level. I believe I grew most in the wellness and healthy living and self-assessment and reflection categories. Throughout my assistantship I have been able to begin to develop a healthy work-life balance, building relationships inside and outside of work, and focusing in on self-reflection on experiences and how I have grown and learned from them. Although I have not be completely perfect or mastered these aspects completely I have grown from my first semester in the program to now and I am so excited to see how I continue to progress in this field.
American College Personnel Association and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. (2015, August). Professional competency areas for student affairs educators. Retrieved from s_FINAL.pdf
HEA 625: Writing my professional praxis allowed me to reflect on my personal values and beliefs within higher education.
HEA 624: Writing my proclamation allowed me to share my journey as to how I became involved in Student Affairs and reflect on my personal values and beliefs within higher education.